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Snappy got run over by a kitten!

Hello again, friends! Oh dear, where HAS the time gone?

I, for one, am VERY sorry for how long it took for us to update the blog again, but things have been a madhouse over here, in multiple senses of the word!

For starters, poor Snappy Bumblejinks got run over by a young cat driving a getaway lawnmower, of all things, during a "High-Speed" pursuit with the police. The blue dog is still in the hospital with some serious injuries and half of his fur gone. We were able to get a name on the kitten that ran him down. What was her name? Holly? Oh well, it doesn't matter.

On top of that, the "What If?" book has been going crazy, despite our best attempts to control it. Oddly, though, this time it didn't create some sort of crazy crossover paradox or something like that. Instead, it gave us some kind of encrypted message, which has all of us scratching our heads in confusion. What could it mean?

Well, puzzles are going to have to wait for a while, I'm afraid. We've got to much to do around here to worry about this riddle, especially with Snappy out of commission.

Regardless of what happens next, I hope you'll all continue to enjoy your time here on Bulldozer Studios! Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to find some reinforced titanium rope to tie down that stupid book, before it throws us all into another time paradox from Mr. Hamsterman.

See you soon!

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