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Website updated!

Hello, everyone! Phew, it's been a while, hasn't it? Well, that's what happens when one gets involved with a certain Twitter roleplay group, I guess...

In case any of you couldn't tell by now, the websites been updated! ( It's about time, Bulldozer... )

A list of the changes made in this update can be found in the websites changelog, but the chief difference amongst them is the including of a new page: The Downloads Page!

This new page is where all of our products can now be downloaded, and through this, we were FINALLY able to implement the benefits of having a registered account on our homepage!

That's right; You need an account for Bulldozer Studios in order to download our products! This makes it easier for us to moderate who downloads them, and to keep troublemakers from grabbing them for free. Don't worry, though; It's quick and easy to make a new account!

There are a few other differences as well ( one of which should be painfully obvious ), but I'll let you find those on your own. Your all smart little cookies; I know you can do it!

Oh, and in case that didn't get your attention, maybe this will: OUR COMPUTER SYSTEM IS FINALLY FIXED! At long last, we can get back to work on Bella's Mansion: Director's Cut! So, expect to see a new demo release in the near future!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I gotta go tie down that stupid "What If?" book again; That things been going haywire ever since June of last year! Something's sure got it riled up...

Anyway, see you soon!

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