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DID YOU KNOW: Dusty Bumblejinks billy club

Dusty Bumblejinks' iconic police baton, which is set to make it's first appearance in Bumblejinks Adventure: Fluttershy, is based off a similar-looking police-issue billy club that I ( bulldozerman185 ) own in real life, which used to belong to my father, whom used to be a security guard. Dusty's father used to be a Toontown policeman, and after his father was killed, his billy club ended up in the hands of Dusty's grandfather, Rusty Bumblejinks, who then passed it on to him when he turned 15. Dusty has used that club in combat against both evil cogs and bad Toons alike ever since, and still uses it to this day. It is unknown why Dusty hasn't opted to exchange his single-handled billy club for one of the new two-handled ones that modern day police use, despite being offered the chance to do just that shortly after saving the Tooniverse from the evil Mystery. One rumor is that the billy club has close ties to his family, seeing as how his father had used it to save Toontown on multiple occasions back in his day, and that getting rid of it would be disrespectful to his father. Another popular theory is that Dusty prefers the single-handled club over the new police-issue billy clubs two-handled design. Ever since he received it when he was 15 years old, Dusty has developed many skills with it which, if pulled off perfectly, can result in quick, easy take-downs. If Dusty did get a new billy club to use in battle, he'd have to re-evaluate all of his skills with said billy club to accommodate the second handle, some of which took up to an entire year to perfect, which he sees as "Just another unnecessary headache". It is unknown if the club will be passed on to Snappy at any point, seeing as how Snappy uses tactics and logic to win a fight, whereas Dusty prefers a straightforward "Overpower the foe" approach.

Dusty Bumblejinks police baton.

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