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The "What if?" Book...

Hello there. Oh my, I get so nervous about writing here on the blog, but they asked me to come out and give you fine people the info on our latest discovery.

My good friends Adanelrond and Dusty Bumblejinks were out searching the southernmost reaches of Lava Mountain, being careful not to get hurt by any of the foul creatures that live in that region, when they stumbled upon something truly strange. Something that, I think, has the power to rewrite history or bend the very existence we all know:

Something they call the "What if?" book.

From what we've been able to discover with the help of our wizard friends over at their flying island home the Almanac Cluster ( not to be confused with the beverage of the same name ), this mysterious little book can do anything to anything we can imagine. From rewriting video games, to history itself, and everything in-between.

Naturally, Adanelrond believes it's highly dangerous, and could bring about the end of the universe itself if it falls into the wrong hands. So he had it locked away in the deepest, most dangerous part of the world of Altine he could find. With any luck, it will stay there, and never cause us any grief.

Obviously, this discovery has made it possible for seemingly impossible crossovers to occur, ones that we're here to take full advantage of. So keep your eyes peeled on the blog for anymore news related to the "What if?" book. And make sure to bring an umbrella and a flame shield, because who knows what insanity will happen when that books powers are put to use?

Now, I have to get back to sharpening my sword, so if I'm no longer needed here, I'll be on my way. Have a happy May, everybody!

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