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Bumblejinks Reviews: Re-Introduction!

Hey, hey, hey! Good to see all you wonderful folks again!

I know, I know, it's been a while since you last saw the Bumblejinks man. What can I say? Things have gotten a little weird around here in recent weeks. Especially with that whole fiasco over on SiteBuilder! Luckily, I was able to find the time to come here and make this little announcement.

I know I told you guys about all this before, on the other website, but I don't think it'd hurt to repeat exactly what Bumblejinks Reviews is all about! And yes, I did change the name, because as it turns out, there was a famous television series with the name "Reviews On The Run". Sigh...

Anyway, this review segment is pretty straightforward: We take a look at a game, judge it based on 5 categories, and at the end, give it a final score that determines it's overall quality. It's fairly simple to understand.

Those 5 categories are:

PLOT: The better the games overall plot, including originality and how well it's put together, the higher the score.

GRAPHICS: The better the game looks, the higher the score. After all, who wants to play a game with polygons flying everywhere?

SOUND: How well does the game sound, in terms of both music and sound effects? The better it sounds, the higher the score.

GAMEPLAY: Simply put: Does the game play well? How well are it's mechanics and controls implemented and used? Are there any glitches to be spoken of? The better the gameplay is, the higher the score.

APPEAL: Is the game worth a second playthrough? Is it a "One-and-Done" kind of deal? The more replay value and lasting appeal the game has, the higher the score.

Each of the above categories are then given a score of 1-10. At the end of the review, these numbers are tallied up to find the games overall value and ranking, which are as followed:

50: PERFECT! A game that's so well put together, it's impossible to find anything wrong about it. Games with this score are a "Must Own!"

45: Excellent! The game may have one minor issue, but this isn't enough to deter it from being one of the best games in recent years!

40: Great! A couple of problems here and there, but overall a great gaming experience to be had. Be sure to play these at least once in your life!

35: Good! While the game has flaws, it's still worth checking it out at least once. Not the worst game ever made, but there are better ones out there.

30: OK. A game of so-so quality. They're playable, for sure, but if your looking for a long-lasting gaming experience, your looking in the wrong place.

25: Fair. It has problems, but it could be so much worse. Likewise, while the game has it's strong points, it may leave you looking for greener pastures.

20: Bad. Not a smooth as silk gaming experience. The game has problems and issues that could turn you off from ever playing it again.

15: Flawed. Clearly, the developers didn't know what they were doing when making the game. Issues up the wazoo will turn off even the most hardcore of gamers.

10: Awful. Only die hard fans of the franchise in question will want to stick around for this bumpy ride of never-ending problems. Any positives they have can't possibly save them from being shallow, terrible games.

5: Broken. A game so bad, we don't know how to describe it other then being "Utterly Broken." Glitches, audio and graphical problems, and plot holes all over the place make these games some of the worst ever made.

0: #YOLO.

How well will YOUR favorite game do when we run it through it's paces in Bumblejinks Reviews? Keep your eyes peeled and find out, folks!

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go talk to my little brother Snappy. He's still busy fixing that stupid portal machine of his. How did he manage to build that thing in the first place... er, see you soon!

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